Registration & Abstract submission

Registration fees*

Standard registration: 350 euros

Post-docs and students: 220 euros


* Registration fees include

- Access to the conference (from Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th)

- Accommodation in the conference center for two nights (Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th)

- Breakfast (Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th)

- Lunch (Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th) and a welcome buffet (Monday 8th)

- Dinner (Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th)




Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts are submitted online and should be no longer than 200 words. You can submit an abstract and choose whether you want to give a talk, present a poster or do both. In this latter case, please specify in your abstract that you will prepare a poster in addition to your talk. We encourage colleagues who apply for a talk to also display a poster so they can provide a more thorough presentation of their work.  Posters must be in A1 format (59.4 cm x 84.1 cm).


If you submit an abstract, you should also register (see link above). Abstracts without registration will not be considered.

To submit your abstract you need first to register to the sciencesconf website: 

Once you are connected to sciencesconf, you can submit your abstract using the following link:



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